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Liquid-center Chocolate Truffles

#1: Raspberry Rose Truffles


Prepare 2 batches of any type of sugar-free chocolate truffle filling that you like and add raspberry flavoring or raspberry vodka according to the recipe. 

Rose Liquid Center:

50 ml. rose water (OR normal water + 1/8 tsp. rose flavoring)

10g xylitol or erythritol (use only 5g if the truffle filling you picked uses a very sweet chocolate)

1/4 tsp. of powdered gelatin

1/16 tsp. salt

Soak the gelatin in 1 tablespoon of cold water for 5 minutes.

Heat the rest of the water with the sweetener and salt until it has dissolved, then add the pre-soaked gelatin and still it has melted.

Add the rose flavoring (only if not using rose water) and taste, add more one drop at a time until the final flavor is slightly STRONGER than you like (this filling needs to be strongly flavored otherwise the chocolate will over-power it).

Continue with the directions for Jello Pearls if you want the liquid center to be spherical, OR simply pour the jelly into a dish or plate so that you have a very thin layer, cover and let set up in the fridge for minimum 1 hour. Once set, cut out a piece of the jelly that's small enough to fit inside the truffle, still allowing for some truffle filling, and not wide enough to touch the sides of the mold.

When forming the truffles, place a single piece of jello in the center of the truffle filling (see video above for tutorial).


Finish the truffles however you like, by dipping, rolling or molding.

If you choose to roll them, instead of using cacao powder, grind freeze-dried raspberries into a powder and roll the truffles in this raspberry powder.

NOTE: These truffles need to be brought to room temperature before serving so that the gelatin in the jello will melt and become liquid.

*The nutrition info depends on the type of sugar-free chocolate you use. You can calculate your own nutrition info at or other websites.



#2: Peanut Butter Vanilla Truffles

Prepare 2 batches of any style of sugar-free chocolate truffle filling that you like using unsweetened peanut butter in place of a fourth (1/4) of the chocolate called for in the recipe.

Vanilla Liquid Center:

50 ml water

10g xylitol or erythritol (only use 5g if the truffle filling you picked uses a very sweet chocolate)

1/8 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp. of powdered gelatin

1/16 tsp. salt

Soak the gelatin in 1 tablespoon of cold water for 5 minutes.

Heat the rest of the water with the sweetener and salt until it has dissolved, then add the pre-soaked gelatin and still it has melted.

Add the vanilla and taste, continue adding a drop at a time until the final flavor is slightly STRONGER than you like (this filling needs to be strongly flavored otherwise the chocolate will over-power it).

Continue with the directions for Jello Pearls if you want the liquid center to be spherical, OR simply pour the jelly into a dish or plate so that you have a very thin layer, cover and let set up in the fridge for minimum 1 hour. Once set, cut out a piece of the jelly that's small enough to fit inside the truffle, still allowing for some truffle filling, and not wide enough to touch the sides of the mold.

When forming the truffles, place a single piece of jello in the center of the truffle filling before it sets.

Finish the truffles however you like, by dipping, rolling or molding.

NOTE: These truffles need to be brought to room temperature before serving so that the gelatin in the jello will melt and become liquid.

*The nutrition info depends on the type of sugar-free chocolate you use. You can calculate your own nutrition info at or other websites.


#3: Rum Espresso Mousse Truffles

Prepare 2 batches of the "light & fluffy" style sugar-free chocolate truffle filling, using any sugar-free chocolate that you like, and adding rum according to the recipe.

Espresso Liquid Center:

50ml espresso (or extra-strong coffee)

10g xylitol or erythritol (skip if the truffle filling you picked uses a very sweet chocolate)

1/4 tsp. of powdered gelatin

1/16 tsp. salt

Soak the gelatin in 1 tablespoon of cold water for 5 minutes.

Heat the espresso with the sweetener and salt until it has dissolved, then add the pre-soaked gelatin and still it has melted.

Continue with the directions for Jello Pearls if you want the liquid center to be spherical, OR simply pour the jelly into a dish or plate so that you have a very thin layer, cover and let set up in the fridge for minimum 1 hour. Once set, cut out a piece of the jelly that's small enough to fit inside the truffle, still allowing for some truffle filling, and not wide enough to touch the sides of the mold.

When forming the truffles, place a single piece of jello in the center of the truffle filling before it sets.

Finish the truffles by molding. (Because the truffle filling is mousse-style, it will be soft even when frozen and cannot be rolled or dipped easily, therefore it needs to be molded to cover it in a chocolate shell.)

NOTE: These truffles need to be brought to room temperature before serving so that the gelatin in the jello will melt and become liquid.

*The nutrition info depends on the type of sugar-free chocolate you use. You can calculate your own nutrition info at or other websites.







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